In life there is no black and white, only...

Gray Areas Magazine


Gray Areas On The Net Award

Award Requirements:

* In order to be considered for this award, your page content has to be gray. There are no ifs, ands, or buts about this requirement. Your gray theme can be illegal, immoral and/or controversial. We'll consider anything gray, whether we "approve" or not.

* We don't have to like or agree with your aims or page content in order for you to win this award. We just need to come away feeling that your page contains valuable information of use to someone who came to visit your site, with an open mind,in order to learn more about your gray topic. If yours is among the best sites in your field you might be eligible.

* We judge content first, presentation second and design third.

* You can win whether or not you use JAVA, frames, animated gifs or follow any other popular HTML trend.

* The award is given out on a daily basis, although they are sometimes posted up to a month in advance in order to reduce the overall workload.

* Pages listed here as winners are among the best resources on the net for gray topics, causes and cultures. Approach them with an open mind and you'll surely learn from visiting them.

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Click Here To Visit The Many Gray Sites Which Have Won This Award .

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